So far the voter turnout in the presidential election run-off has not exceeded 15 percent at the majority of polling stations nationwide, the Lawyers Syndicate's committee for monitoring the run-off said Saturday.
"In a number of cities the turnout is as low as 5 or 7 percent, such as in Cairo, Damanhour, Zagazig, Port Said, Ismailia, Mansoura, Fayoum, Kafr al-Sheikh, 6th of October City, Giza, Minya, and Sohag." the commitee's first report said.
It also said there were rare cases of illegal campaigning for both Mohamed Morsy and Ahmed Shafiq. Campaigning is banned on election days.
"The run-off election is more disciplined than the first round," the report said.
"There was an clear delay in opening some polling stations in the first four hours. The majority opened to voters between 8:30 and 9 am. Ten percent of the polling stations opened at about 9:30 am because judges and employees managing the electoral process arrived late. This happened in Assiut, Daqahliya, Red Sea, New Valley, Matrouh, Kafr al-Sheikh, Arish and Toar,"