Minister of Immigration and Egyptians Affairs Nabila Makram on Friday congratulated the former dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Canada’s University of Windsor Hoda al-Maraghi, for obtaining the “Order of Canada” in recognition of her faculty’s contribution towards manufacturing and mechanical engineering.
Maraghi is also one of the founding members of the “Egypt Can” initiative.
Makram personally phoned Maraghi and her husband to congratulate them, and said that “Egypt Can” proves itself with every achievement made by Egyptian scholars around the world.
Maraghi is the only Egyptian in Canada – among 114 other candidates – to receive the order since it was officially awarded in 1967.
Makram said, “Dr. Hoda deserves a lot, as she loves Egypt and translates this love and belonging to support her country in all areas of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, through cooperation with the concerned authorities to work on Egyptian projects through a series of conferences and the ‘Egypt Can’ foundation”.
She added that Maraghi will continue to participate in the “Egypt Can Industry” conference to benefit from their knowledge and experiences regarding industrial investment and the localization of industry in Egypt.
Maraghi is the first woman in Canadian history to obtain a PhD in industrial engineering, and the first woman to hold the position of Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Windsor.
She joined the scientific advisory body of the Canadian Minister of Defense, as is also the holder of a fellowship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
The Canadian McMaster University listed Maraghi among several elite and famous graduates.
Maraghi was previously awarded the “Ontario” medal for her scientific efforts in the field of engineering.