
Moussa: There is an organized campaign to disrupt my rallies

Presidential candidate Amr Moussa has declared that thugs are being used as part of a systematic campaign to disrupt his rallies.

Moussa’s campaigners say in a statement that more than ten troublemakers fomented disorder and insulted Moussa’s supporters during his rally in the city of Minya on Sunday. They filmed the incident and posted it on YouTube.

Moussa offended the people in the city of Assiut by holding his rally at the residence of the presidential campaign coordinator of Gamal Mubarak, son of the deposed president.

Moussa is opposed by some members of the 25 January Youth Coalition who say he relies on the support of members of the former ruling National Democratic Party.

“Electing Moussa for president means the return of the former regime,” said Bilal Diab, Ghad Party representative in the coalition.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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