
New rationing database for 80% of Egyptians

Citizens must cooperate with social researchers and inspectors in registering accurate data for the 11.5 million families using ration cards, warned Ali el-Messelhy, minister of social solidarity.

The minister said that about 20,000 researchers have started knocking on doors to complete applications. Data collected includes information on family members, national ID numbers, domicile, and monthly rates of electricity and gas. It will be used to prepare a complete database covering 80 percent of Egyptian citizens. Those who do not cooperate will have their cards cancelled.

El-Messelhy added that the data collected will not be used to deprive anyone of the right to receive rations or services. On the contrary, he said, other services will be added according to each family’s need–most important of which will be coupons for gas cylinders.

New ration cards will also be issued for those families most in need. The ministry plans to connect the new electronic database with the national ID number database so that deceased persons are automatically removed from the ration cards of their families. The database will also ensure that those families receiving piped gas will not be issued gas cylinder coupons.

El-Messelhy said the project is considered a great step forward in serving citizens because it is well planned and does not depend on the old database. According to el-Messelhy, all departments of the government will be able to use the new database to target services according to need.

The minister also called on governorates to speed up the process of separating cards for family members living outside their place of residence.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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