Egypt is preparing for the August 6 inauguration of its New Suez Canal by decorating the project’s premises to receive the world leaders who will attend the event.
Two statues resembling the Sphinx and an ancient winged Egyptian female peasant are being erected at the project’s entrance. Al-Masry Al-Youm observed the building of the sculptures, each of which will stand at nearly 25 meters. An official source said the two monuments will also be visible to passing aeroplanes and ships.
Suez Canal Authority chief Mohab Mamish is expected to hold an international conference on Monday to declare the details of the inauguration ceremony and the committee that will be tasked with organizing it.
Mamish stated the ceremony’s events have been arranged by the Presidency, the Armed Forces and the tourism, culture and antiquities ministries.
When asked about progress with dredging at the new canal, Mamish said 210 million square meters of sand have been cleared out of a targeted 250 million square meters.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm