
Russia’s attack on Ukraine reveals political fault lines in Asia

Russia’s attack on Ukraine reveals political fault lines in Asia

Hong Kong (CNN) – India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi called him a “dear friend.” Chinese leader Xi Jinping went a…
China sets lowest economic growth target in decades as challenges mount

China sets lowest economic growth target in decades as challenges mount

Hong Kong (CNN Business) – China has set its lowest official target for economic growth in three decades. Speaking during…
Under shadow of Ukraine invasion, US delegation signals support for Taiwan

Under shadow of Ukraine invasion, US delegation signals support for Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan (CNN) – As the world focuses on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a delegation of former US officials has…
Studies offer further evidence that the coronavirus pandemic began in animals in Wuhan market

Studies offer further evidence that the coronavirus pandemic began in animals in Wuhan market

(CNN) – Two preprint studies posted Saturday offer further evidence that the coronavirus originated in animals and spread to humans…
Parents separated from baby as Hong Kong clings to zero-Covid

Parents separated from baby as Hong Kong clings to zero-Covid

Hong Kong (CNN) – Fighting back tears, Laura and Nick struggle to comfort their sobbing 11-month-old daughter, Ava, through a…
As war breaks out in Europe, China blames the US

As war breaks out in Europe, China blames the US

(CNN) – As Russian missiles flew through the Ukrainian sky Thursday and world leaders decried an invasion spreading across the…
China’s leaders may be watching Ukraine with an eye on Taiwan

China’s leaders may be watching Ukraine with an eye on Taiwan

Hong Kong (CNN) – As the world’s attention focuses on the escalating crisis between Russia and Ukraine, a spotlight has…
Australia demands answers from China over alleged laser incident at sea

Australia demands answers from China over alleged laser incident at sea

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)Australia is demanding China investigate the alleged use of a laser to “illuminate” an Australian jet in…
As the West condemns Russia over Ukraine, Beijing strikes a different tone

As the West condemns Russia over Ukraine, Beijing strikes a different tone

Hong Kong (CNN) – China’s envoy to the United Nations on Monday called for “all parties” to exercise restraint and…
50 years after Nixon visit, US-China ties as fraught as ever

50 years after Nixon visit, US-China ties as fraught as ever

BEIJING (AP) — At the height of the Cold War, US President Richard Nixon flew into communist China’s center of…
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