
Lithuanian parliament votes to allow mass detention of asylum seekers

Lithuanian parliament votes to allow mass detention of asylum seekers

VILNIUS, July 13 (Reuters) – Lithuania’s parliament on Tuesday approved the mass detention of migrants and curbed their right of…
Greece to require vaccination or negative test at indoor restaurants

Greece to require vaccination or negative test at indoor restaurants

ATHENS, July 13 (Reuters) – Greece will require customers at indoor restaurants, bars and cafes to prove they have been…
France rushes to get vaccinated after president’s warning

France rushes to get vaccinated after president’s warning

PARIS (AP) — Nearly one million people in France made vaccine appointments in a single day, after the president cranked…
Immunized but banned: EU says not all COVID vaccines equal

Immunized but banned: EU says not all COVID vaccines equal

LONDON (AP) — After Dr. Ifeanyi Nsofor and his wife received two doses of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in Nigeria, they…
Italy wins Euro 2020, beats England in penalty shootout

Italy wins Euro 2020, beats England in penalty shootout

LONDON (AP) — Italian soccer’s redemption story is complete. England’s painful half-century wait for a major title goes on. And…
Can Europe escape Gazprom’s energy stranglehold?

Can Europe escape Gazprom’s energy stranglehold?

Trouble is brewing on the European gas market. In the wake of a long, cold winter, natural gas reservoirs are…
Analysis: UK PM Johnson’s new COVID gamble worries some scientists

Analysis: UK PM Johnson’s new COVID gamble worries some scientists

LONDON, July 8 (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to reopen England’s economy from coronavirus lockdown on July…
The world’s most powerful passports for 2021

The world’s most powerful passports for 2021

(CNN) — If there was an Olympics of passports, Japan wouldn’t just be hosting it — it’d be winning the…
UK PM Johnson looks to end England’s virus restrictions

UK PM Johnson looks to end England’s virus restrictions

LONDON, July 5 (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was due on Monday to set out plans to end…
Nordic fund KLP excludes 16 companies over links to Israeli settlements in West Bank
Middle East

Nordic fund KLP excludes 16 companies over links to Israeli settlements in West Bank

OSLO, July 5 (Reuters) – Norway’s largest pension fund KLP said on Monday it would no longer invest in 16…
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