
Iranian film on Prophet Mohammad stirs calls for Tehran to ban it

Iranian film on Prophet Mohammad stirs calls for Tehran to ban it

 A film on the life of Prophet Mohammad is expected to break box office records in Shi'ite Muslim Iran after…
Israel’s Barak says army blocked three Iran attack plans
Middle East

Israel’s Barak says army blocked three Iran attack plans

Israel's former defence minister Ehud Barak has said in an interview that three Iran attack plans backed by both himself…
Reports: Israeli leaders drew up plans to attack Iranian military
Middle East

Reports: Israeli leaders drew up plans to attack Iranian military

Israeli leaders planned to attack Iran in recent years, but held back due to the opinions of other government leaders…
Use Iran deal to prevent nuclear weapons free-for-all, treaty body says
Middle East

Use Iran deal to prevent nuclear weapons free-for-all, treaty body says

The head of the body trying to secure ratification of a global ban on nuclear testing urged world leaders on…
Firms linked to Revolutionary Guards to win sanctions relief under Iran deal
Middle East

Firms linked to Revolutionary Guards to win sanctions relief under Iran deal

Dozens of companies tied to Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, a military force commanding a powerful industrial empire with huge political influence,…
Rouhani: Iran, Turkey must work together to fight IS
Middle East

Rouhani: Iran, Turkey must work together to fight IS

Iran and Turkey must work with one another to root out the threat of extremism in the region, President Hassan…
Egyptians, 6 other nationalities granted visa-free entry to Iran

Egyptians, 6 other nationalities granted visa-free entry to Iran

Iran has granted Egyptians, among others, a visa-free entry to Iran. “Citizens of Turkey, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bolivia, Egypt and Syria…
Bahrain sees ‘foreign’ link in attack, Iran denies role
Middle East

Bahrain sees ‘foreign’ link in attack, Iran denies role

Bahraini authorities have arrested several people in connection with Tuesday's deadly bombing and suspect the attack was a "foreign attempt"…
Bomb kills two Bahraini policemen, government implicates Iran
Middle East

Bomb kills two Bahraini policemen, government implicates Iran

A bomb killed two Bahraini policemen on Tuesday and the explosives resembled some seized at the weekend that the government…
With nuclear deal done, Iran sets out to reassure wary Gulf Arabs
Middle East

With nuclear deal done, Iran sets out to reassure wary Gulf Arabs

Iran's foreign minister called on Sunday for a united front among Middle Eastern nations to fight militancy, in his first…
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