Saudi Arabia

Iran’s regional enemies watch unrest, searching for leverage
Middle East

Iran’s regional enemies watch unrest, searching for leverage

Iran’s most fervent regional foes, Saudi Arabia and Israel, are both eagerly looking for signs of vulnerability and imminent change…
Saudi Arabia: UN rights experts condemn ‘repression’ of activists
Middle East

Saudi Arabia: UN rights experts condemn ‘repression’ of activists

A group of United Nations human rights experts on Tuesday condemned Saudi Arabia’s use of counterterrorism and security-related laws to…
Saudi Arabia, UAE introduce VAT in push to boost revenue
Middle East

Saudi Arabia, UAE introduce VAT in push to boost revenue

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates welcomed the new year on Monday with a series of measures aimed at…
Egypt’s Dar al-Iftaa deems Bitcoin currency as forbidden in Islam

Egypt’s Dar al-Iftaa deems Bitcoin currency as forbidden in Islam

  Republican mufti Councellor Magdy Ashour issued a Fatwa (Islamic ruling) that deems the Bitcoin virtual currency as forbidden by…
A year of historic change in Saudi Arabia, with more to come
Middle East

A year of historic change in Saudi Arabia, with more to come

Saudi Arabia in 2017 laid the groundwork for momentous change next year, defying its conservative reputation for slow, cautious reforms…
Saudi Arabia bans Egyptian guava import

Saudi Arabia bans Egyptian guava import

Saudi Arabia has officially informed Egypt of its decision to ban the import of Egyptian guava due to the high…
In world’s worst cholera outbreak, vaccine talks hang in the balance
Middle East

In world’s worst cholera outbreak, vaccine talks hang in the balance

A cholera epidemic in Yemen, one of the worst ever recorded, is likely to surge again around March, giving global…
Ethiopians deported en masse by Saudi Arabia allege abuses

Ethiopians deported en masse by Saudi Arabia allege abuses

Undocumented Ethiopian migrants who are being forcibly deported from Saudi Arabia by the thousands in a new crackdown say they…
More civilians killed in Yemen’s ‘absurd, futile’ war: UN
Middle East

More civilians killed in Yemen’s ‘absurd, futile’ war: UN

The top UN official in Yemen said air strikes have killed scores of civilians in the past 10 days, in what…
Tax-free no more: Saudi Arabia, UAE to roll out VAT in 2018
Middle East

Tax-free no more: Saudi Arabia, UAE to roll out VAT in 2018

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which have long lured foreign workers with the promise of a tax-free lifestyle,…
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