The application for European visas often raises a number of questions for those interested that some of them resort to tourism companies to help them in preparing the required documents, while others ask friends and relatives about the required papers and details.
Sometimes applicants miss a very important document causing the European embassy to turn down their request for a visa.
Al-Masry Al-Youm has listed the top 10 mistakes committed by Egyptian UK visa applicants according to a statement published by the UK Embassy in Egypt’s official Facebook page:
- The bank statement of the applicant must be submitted in English language, including the applicant’s name. Submitting the statement in Arabic leads to denying the visa request.
- Applicants write their monthly income without the transaction being included in the bank statement.
- The bank statement does not mention the source of all the funds in the applicant’s bank account. Applicants must state the source of all deposits/assets.
- Submitting joint bank statements without a letter from the bank indicating the applicant’s ability to use the bank account at any time.
- Applicants of company owners and shareholders provide their company’s bank statement without submitting a letter from the bank stating the applicant’s ability to withdraw funds from their bank accounts at any time.
- Employees have to submit an HR letter clarifying their monthly salary and the years of their work.
- Parents who apply for their kids have to submit a bank statement and a letter that states their willingness to cover all travel expenses.
- Both parents have to submit letters approving the travel of their kids.
- For official trips, submitting the application without supporting documents like the applicant’s details, the purpose of the trip, an invitation letter, and a confirmation of coverage of the expenses. If a family member is accompanying the applicant, their financial abilities should be stated (banks statement and any other assets).
- For sponsored trips, not submitting a personal bank statement. Even if the trip is financially sponsored, the applicant must submit a personal bank statement.