The Uber company in Egypt announced raising the prices of Uber trips after the Egyptian government’s recent decision to raise the prices of fuel.
According to the company, the cost of the Uber X service was raised to LE9 for the beginning of the trip from LE8.5, and the price of the kilo was raised to LE3 from LE2.9. The price of waiting was increased to LE55 piasters per minute from 50 piasters. The minimum trip price was set set at LE 15 up from LE14.
The cost of the Uber X Saver service also increased, so that the start of the trip was set at LE7.80 instead of LE7.25, and the price of the kilo was set at LE2.65 instead of LE2.38.
The price of waiting rose to 50 piasters per minute instead of 45 piasters, and the minimum price for the trip was set at LE13 instead of LE12.
The cost of the Uber Comfort service increased, so that the trip will start at LE12.40, and the price of the kilo was set at LE4.52. The price of waiting rose to 70 piasters per minute, and the minimum price for the trip was set at LE20.