
Alex stock exchange office unaffected by protests, says official

An official source at Egypt's stock market authorities denied reports that protesters were hindering daily work at its Alexandria branch.

Dozens of demonstrators assembled on Tuesday morning in front of the stock market's office and nearby banks, demanding employees join their protest, according to the source. He added that officials at the stock exchange office and banks warned protesters of the consequences of impeding work activities.

The protesters reciprocated and left the area, allowing employees to start their daily routine on time.

On Tuesday morning, a number of internet websites reported that protesters denied employees and entrepreneurs entrance to the stock exchange office in Alexandria.

Cairo saw massive protests at different provinces on Friday, where demonstrators urged, among other demands, faster prosecution of former regime officials and officers accused of murdering protesters during the 25 January uprising.

Egyptian indexes marked a collective decline on the start of Tuesday’s session. The main index, EGX30, lost nearly 2.4 percent, standing at 4989.61 points.

Penny and secondary stocks index EGX70, meanwhile, recorded a drop of 2.5 percent, down to 590.62 points.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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