The Director of the fund for Drug Control and Treatment of Addiction (FDCTA) Amr Othman revealed the details of the law on the dismissal of employees who use drugs and steps for its implementation.
During a Sunday phone interview with the Sada al-Balad satellite channel, Othman said that the adoption of this law is not intended to reduce employment within the state’s administrative apparatus.
Its objective regarding the dismissal of drug users employees is to protect citizens and public interest, Othman said.
Any worker proven to be a drug user will be held accountable and punished gradually until they are dismissed from work after six months. However, Othman said that anyone who voluntarily submits to treatment will be allowed to return.
He added that the fund maintains the confidentiality of the data of employees applying for addiction treatment, and the opportunity is available for a period of six months from now to apply and obtain treatment without accountability, penalty or dismissal from work.
Othman explained that the treatment is free of charge for any employee who voluntarily applies to the fund and in complete confidentiality.
However those who continue taking drugs after the six months grace period will be dismissed with no chance of return.