Former presidential hopeful and head of the constitutional amendment committee Amr Moussa said that the constitution amendments would be in line with the general mood of the Egyptian people to achieve democracy and social justice, state-run Egynews reported.
Moussa said in an interview on Tuesday with London-based newspaper, Asharq al-Awsat, that the amended constitution will reflect all people without marginalization.
Moussa added that he wanted the youth to play a key role in local administration and various ministries.
He pointed out that women also need support so as to honor the role they play within the family and in the development of Egyptian society.
There are challenges facing Egypt following 30 June, including the effect of the events in Syria on the region as a whole, said Moussa.
Moussa pointed out the need to study the results of the UN team which headed to Syria to examine the use of chemical weapons against civilians.
The Iraq scenario should not be repeated in Syria though, Moussa added.
The 10 member committee developed the new constitution in accordance with the [reconciliation] roadmap, then the 50 member committee will end its work soon, ending thus with an essential step, Moussa said.
The 2012 constitution should have been suspended as it was drafted hastily and therefore had redundant and unnecessary articles that we needed to get rid of, Moussa said.
"The constitution should take into account that we are in the 21st century. It has to enhance the rights of women, human rights, separation of powers, democracy and elections," Moussa mentioned.
Taking into account Article II, which focuses on the principles of Islamic Sharia as the main source of legislation, is also a great thing, he added.
There has to be consensus on the rest of the articles following discussions between all political parties which will inevitably take Egypt forward, according to Moussa.
Concerning the Cabinet's performance, Moussa said: "I believe that the Cabinet should be limited to 15 ministers, not 37, but we support them and wish them luck."
"We also want to see work and achievements on the ground," he pointed out.