train tickets

Train conductor who forced passengers to jump from train remanded for 15 days

Train conductor who forced passengers to jump from train remanded for 15 days

On Thursday, the Tanta Prosecutor’s Office decided to renew the detention of a train conductor 15 days pending investigation into charges…
Online train bookings available for first time: Railway Authority

Online train bookings available for first time: Railway Authority

The Railway Authority announced on Tuesday that train ticket bookings will be available online for the first time, using national…
Train tickets reservations with ID cards help reduce black market influence

Train tickets reservations with ID cards help reduce black market influence

The Egyptian National Railways started for the first time Sunday the application of a system to reserve train tickets with…
Giza residents block railroad to protest cell phone tower

Giza residents block railroad to protest cell phone tower

Hundreds of people have blocked railway movement in Giza to protest a cell phone tower in their village, security sources…
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