The 13th Arab Open Robot Championship 2022 kicked off Friday evening in the Youth Sports City at Sharm el-Sheikh, with the participation of 136 teams from 12 Arab countries.
Running from July 1-4, the tournament is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Egyptian Federation of Electronic Games, and the Arab Robot Society represented by the Egyptian Federation of Electronic Games and the Smart Company for Integrated Solutions and Training.
A selection of educational institutions interested in robotics in all Arab countries participated in the tournament, including over 650 students from the age group four years until the end of the university stage representing 136 teams from 12 Arab countries: Egypt, Kuwait, the UAE, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, and Libya.
They were judged by 100 juries accredited by the Arab Robotics Association.
The tournament includes nine robot competitions with different technological technologies (First LEGO Discover – First LEGO Explorer – First LEGO Challenge – First Tech Challenge – Tracking the line – Sumo – collecting balls – innovation – football), in addition to organizing a lively forum for Arab youth on the sidelines of the tournament for many technological activities.
The tournament comes in conjunction with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s launch of the 2023 Year Initiative for Arab Youth, where he received the Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports on the sidelines of the 45th session of their council in Cairo.
Sisi suggested organizing a series of activities and events alternating between different Arab capitals throughout the year, stressing that the youth sector represents a fundamental dimension of the national security of countries.
He stressed the importance of educating Arab youth about the inevitability of engaging in digital transformation, software and rapid technological progress, which greatly affect the future of job opportunities.