The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party reiterated its criticism of Egypt’s military rulers on Friday, blaming them for causing a rift between political groups over the formation of the constituent assembly.
At an FJP public lecture in Alexandria, FJP member and MP Hassan al-Brince said allegations that the Brotherhood has made a deal with Supreme Council of Armed Forces are untrue.
Brince said that the Brotherhood continues to be an opposition movement and is pushing for the goals of the revolution and an end to the transition period.
Brince argued that the formation of the constituent assembly, tasked with drafting a new constitution, was democratically decided upon, and that it broadly represents Egyptian society.
After the Islamists took a clear majority of the 100-member body for themselves, around 25 members resigned. The most recent to resign were the representatives of Al-Azhar and the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Brince accused the media of conducting a campaign against the Brotherhood, portraying the group as taking unilateral decisions without consulting any other political actors.
Brince added that Islamic groups have difficulties clarifying their points of view due to their inexperience with the media.
“The poor media performance of the Islamic movements is caused by the exclusion they suffered from under the former regime,” said Brens.
He added that Islamic groups will work on developing their relations with the media in order to make their viewpoints clear.
Brince added that the Brotherhood will legalize its position once the NGO law is reformed, noting that the law currently seeks to restrict the work of NGOs.