Hundreds of Ain Shams University students on Thursday gathered outside Rabaa al-Adaweya Mosque in Nasr City to perform prayers for their martyred class-mate, Mohamed Mostafa, who died late on Wednesday.
Mostafa was shot with a bullet to his stomach on Tuesday during clashes between protesters and military forces and was transferred to a hospital, where he died the following day.
Mostafa was a student at Ain Shams University Faculty of Engineering. His fellow students, chanting against military rule and military violence, staged a march from the college to Rabaa al-Adaweya Mosque.
Mostafa’s class-mates and family waited for his corpse to arrive from the hospital, in order to perform prayers for his soul and bury him.
Clashes between protesters and security forces erupted early last Friday morning and continued for five days. They resulted in 15 deaths and hundreds of injuries.
The Health Ministry reported that many of the victims died from bullet wounds. Meanwhile, the ruling military council denied the use of live ammunition against protesters. The military said its forces were defending public institutions and accused unknown elements of inciting clashes between the people and the army as part of a plot to destroy Egypt.
However, presidential hopeful Hazem Salah Abu Ismail accused “security hands” of plotting the violence, which erupted last Friday. After casting his vote in run-off elections on Thursday, Abu Ismail said that the "external hands" blamed by the military for inciting the unrest were, in fact, elements of the security apparatus.