FashionLife & Style

Mastering makeup: Anti-fatigue regime

After a busy weekend or a late night out, residues of fatigue and sleepiness may affect your look the next day at work. To combat a tired appearance follow the simple steps presented below which will add a fresh glow to your sleepy complexion.

First, place two teaspoons in a freezer for ten minutes. Then put a spoon on each eye and wait for a couple of minutes. This process will reduce or even eliminate any puffiness under the eyes.

Use an anti-puffiness product before you apply your make-up. Garnier roll-on is recommended, as is Roc anti-fatigue eye-care cream.

Concealer is an essential make-up tool to hide dark circles under the eye. Use a color that is one tone lighter than your skin color. Mac and Benefit produce the best concealers.

For your upper eyelids, use Clarins on-the-spot brightening corrector. This product eliminates any darkness around the eye and gives a fresh look to your face.

Afterward, follow your daily office make-up regime (check Mastering makeup: Executive look).

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