
Military council to issue complementary constitutional declaration on Monday

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will issue a complementary constitutional declaration on Monday, two days before the presidential election begins, Al-Masry Al-Youm has learned from political sources. The amendments will stipulate the duties and powers of the incoming president after political forces failed to reach a consensus over the Constituent Assembly that was to be entrusted with drafting a new constitution. 

On 10 April, an administrative court ordered the suspension of the 100-member and Islamist-dominated Constituent Assembly that was chosen by Parliament to write the new constitution ahead of the presidential election. Political forces and Parliament have since been in negotiations to reach a new formation of the assembly.

Seven political parties met at the Wafd Party headquarters on Wednesday to discuss the complementary declaration. They decided to propose certain amendments to the 1971 Constitution to be included in it.

“We will send our proposals to Parliament within two days for discussion at its Saturday meeting,” said MP Wahid Abdel Meguid.

The parties were split between supporters and those opposing of the new declaration, with the latter saying that Article 56 of the first declaration already determines the constitutional powers of the president. But supporters have prevailed.

Also, some law experts agreed with it, while others feared it would produce another Mubarak if the articles about the powers of the president that are stipulated in the 1971 Constitution are revived.

Legal expert Mohamed Nour Farahat considered the complementary declaration important, saying that the powers of the president as of now are not sufficient.

Law Professor Gaber Nassar said the complementary declaration is an interim constitution. “It attempts to circumvent the crafting of a permanent constitution for the country,” he said.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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